Small Bouquet


Treat yourself or someone special to the exquisite beauty of fresh flowers with our exclusive E-Voucher for Flower Arrangement. Whether you’re celebrating a special occasion or simply want to brighten someone’s day, our professionally designed flower arrangements offer the perfect touch of elegance and charm.


Advance Notice: Please inform our staff at least 2 days in advance before pickup date.

No Refunds: E-vouchers are non-refundable and cannot be exchanged for cash.

Voucher Presentation: Present the e-voucher at pick-up.

Validity: E-vouchers are valid for 3 months from the purchase date.

One-Time Use: Each e-voucher can be used only once.

Order Changes: Any changes must be communicated 2 days in advance.

Availability: Flower arrangements are subject to availability; alternatives of equal value may be offered.